Unless you are buying your home with cash, finding a trustworthy lender is super important. There are many lenders out there all working for your business. There are generally two types: Local and non-local. Local lenders know the area we live in and they are familiar with common problems that can occur and how to deal with them. Listed below are several different lenders we have worked with. These lenders all serve the local Sequim and Port Angeles areas. There are many others and you are certainly not obligated to use any particular one. We recommend that you contact as many as you like and find one that seems to work well with you.  Different lenders have similar but different loan packages available and may have different ways they can pre-qualify you. You can also use non-local sources such as Lending Tree or Rocket Mortgage.

Jennifer Sweeney (Highlands Residential Mortgage)
360-460-8168 (Cell)

FaLeana Wech  (Evergreen Mortgage)

360-461-4099 (Cell)

Arthur J. Buhrer, Owner  (Olympic Mortgage Services)
360-477-1011 (Office)

Julie Myers  (First Federal)

360-912-2097  (Cell)

Gerad Nucci  (Caliber Home Loans)

360.582.6488  (Cell)